Our goal is to provide you with confidence. Through our individually designed programming you will gain confidence in your physical performance while being more comfortable in your own skin. We understand performance for one can mean something entirely different than it does to the next. For some, it's competing in a triathlon or CrossFit competition, for others throwing the ball in the backyard with your kid or grandkid, or maybe it's dancing with your partner at your wedding anniversary. However you perform I want to provide you the ability to do so safely and efficiently by purpose driven movement selection, building your energy, stamina, endurance, strength, and coordination.
Each client begins with a movement assessment that helps us create a functional diagnosis telling exactly what your body is, or is not, safely ready to do. Using that information we will choose a path based on your training experience, your lifestyle needs, your hobbies, and ambitions.
Starting a new workout routine can be overwhelming. Don't worry, we'll make it simple and fun for you.
Our trainers have the expertise and training to create a plan that is best for you.
We don't believe in quick fixes. We care about creating sustainable lifelong habits.
Although we don't shy away from a challenge, we understand syncing up calendars can be difficult. We are located right downtown where we are easily accessible from all of Sarasota. Take advantage of our semi-private, remote, or hybrid memberships to create even more flexability.