Use these 4 steps to crush all your goals
I know it sounds hippy dippy but this stuff works
I felt the same way but after hearing countless stories of successful athletes, performers, and business people using it until I finally tried it.
Think what it will look like to cross that finish line.
What it will feel like, who will be there to congratulate you with a big hug, who you might inspire to chase their goals.
How will you celebrate? How will it make you feel?
How will your life be different?
It's not that visualizing alone will manifest it into existence. It won't. There is no magic.
What happens is when you can visualize as many details as possible. It becomes more real.
It seems more possible. It feels closer to reality.
You begin to believe!
Get out of your own way and start believing!
It's incredible the amount/ quality work we can accomplish when the pressure is on. Some even argue they work best this way.
Put a little pressure on yourself by telling everyone and anyone who will listen. Family, friends, boss, post it on social media... Literally let everyone know what you are working towards.
This social pressure is good. The will begin asking how it's going and how you plan to do it.
This accountability creates positive pressure. The more you say it the more they believe it too.
It feels good knowing you have people who believe in you!
After those first two steps you have to take action.
Write down exactly how you will accomplish this.
What is your plan?
What days/ time will you work towards the goal? Where will you go? Who will be there? What tools will you need? Think about every last detail.
Create a ritual. Rituals create familiarity.
The more familiar we become with a situation the easier it becomes.
If you can stick to your plan for 21 days it will become a habit. You don't have to think twice about how or when, it just happens.
You may not love what the process entails but you will love your life when you produce the outcome.
Have passion for your quality of life!
There are millions of people who take for granted the things they have don't be one of them
You may not love counting your calories or macros but it will be worth the trouble!
Be excited about the opportunity to have an abundance of food.
Look at all that colorful food in the grocery store - bananas, bright green peppers, sweet peaches, and juicy cuts of steak.
Don't be a glutton who shovels food into your mouth with little regard for the opportunity. Food is a gift.
You may not love to read books on physiology but you love to help people.
Once you're a doctor you can save people's lives! How many people get that opportunity? Education is a gift.
Passion creates excitement.
Excitement creates energy.
Energy creates action.
Action creates results!